1. Customer Help Center
  2. School Services
  3. 5.4 Cloud Installation and Support Services

5.4.5 Simodont Technical Support Desk

How is the Simodont supported for Cloud Support Services?

Cloud Support Services provides an extensive online Customer Knowledge Base and a technical support desk that operates on a four (4) level support and escalation system of support tickets.  Once a ticket is submitted by a customer, it is assigned to the Technical Support Desk as a Level 1 Ticket.  As a Level 1 Ticket, the support team searches the Customer Knowledge Base for the answer.  If the answer is published, the answer is provided to the customer and the ticket is closed.  If the answer is not published, the ticket is escalated to Level 2,  it is researched and published and provided to the customer and the ticket is closed, thus improving the Customer Knowledge Base.  If the ticket is a need for a technical or physical repair, the ticket is escalated to Level 3, researched, and the process and timing to make the repair is provided to the customer to establish expectations for the repair.  The repair is then made and the customer is notified of its completion.